geopathic stress detection


Geopathic stress is a natural phenomenon that is created by the imbalance of energies on the surface of the earth. Most people have no idea what lies underneath their homes, offices, or other properties they live/work in and how geopathic stress is created. To find out whether your home or office or the space you are using is affected by Geopathic stress, you consult a geopathic stress consultant in Kolkata. Vastu Earth, one of the most trusted Vastu consulting services in Kolkata, has been helping people detect and neutralize geopathic stress for years. 

If you or any of the members of your family suffer from unwanted fatigue, emotional imbalances, or discomfort without a definite reason, consult Vastu Earth at your convenience. 


How is Geopathic Stress Formed?

It could be water streams, deposits of minerals, electromagnetic fields, sewers, pipelines, underground water, or tunnels that disturb the energy of the earth’s surface, and people who have their homes or workplaces above these areas get affected physically or psychologically.  


Detection Methods of Geopathic Stress

Geopathic stress is not visible, but it can be felt in various ways. Whether it is your home or office, and you or other members/staff are suffering from symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and uneasiness, geopathic stress could be the reason. Now, to confirm the presence of geopathic stress, several methods are used by geopathic stress detection and removal consultants. Let us have a look at the method. 


Other Techniques Used 


Akin to the processes, some signs and symptoms like the behavior of animals, the growth rate of plants, and human physical and psychological signs are considered to understand whether an area is harmed by geopathic stress or not. 


Tools Used for Geopathic Stress Detection


Wrapping Up, 

In the marketplace, you can find some tools to detect geopathic stress in your space. However, consulting a geopathic stress detection and removal consultant is better than DIY moves. Vastu Earth, the best geopathic stress consultant in kolkata, is all here to listen to your woes and provide the remedial correction truly aligned with your geopathic stress-related concerns.

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